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Located at the heart of Midtown Center, the Property offers proximity to an abundance of amenities along the 14th Street Retail Corridor and the popular residential neighborhoods of Logan Circle and Dupont Circle.
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Senior Vice President
JLLFounded in 1993, DivcoWest, a DivCore Capital company, is a vertically integrated real estate investment firm headquartered in San Francisco, with offices in Austin, Cambridge, Los Angeles, Menlo Park, Washington DC, and New York City. Known for long-standing relationships and experience across the risk-spectrum in innovation markets, DivcoWest combines entrepreneurial spirit with an institutional approach to commercial real estate. DivcoWest aims to create environments that inspire ingenuity, promote growth, and enhance health and well-being. DivcoWest’s real estate portfolio currently includes existing and development properties in the office, R&D, lab, industrial, retail, and multifamily spaces - primarily throughout the United States. Visit us at